18 April, 2011

Ben&Julia at Pictoplasma 2011

This month in Berlin was Pictoplasma. Ben&Julia created an incredible exhibit entitled " 3 Moments in The Life of Kaluk". Ben&Julia invited viewers on a journey to the source of mythology and the creative process: the Myth of Kaluk, the five eared King Dog. The installation was conceived as a unique artistic experience, using a multiplicity of artistic techniques: sculpture, drawing, painting, costume design, animated video, sound and light, prints on fabric and holographic techniques… all combined within one single work.

The exhibition is still running until the end of the month in Berlin. 

Stay tuned for some new motion work (launching soon)
Ben&Julia are available for illustration, direction, and magic through Lunch.

amy miranda, artists, ben&julia;, domani studios, lunch, press, production, work