03 November, 2010

Lunch Welcomes Kira Shaimanova

Amy Wildhorse - Part of "Mad Hollywood" series 
The first time we saw Kira's work we wondered the same thing you're probably wondering now. Is it real? How is it done? How long does it take?
It's real. The rest is magic.
Kira Shaimanova is a three dimensional illustrator. That means she makes her illustrations, from scratch, with a stunning level of finish and detail. She found her calling in sculpture illustration after taking a doll class one summer, which inspired her to take her art to another level. She has been producing her extraordinary creations ever since. Her process includes creating individual dolls from clay, hand-made sets and photographing the final work. She loves incorporating her quirky sense of humor into her characters and settings. Shaimanova is mainly inspired by the fantastical and unreal, we're thrilled to have her join the Lunch network and can't wait to see her worlds come to life.
Kira is available for projects through Lunch.

amy miranda, artists, directors, kira shaimanova, lunch, press, work