01 February, 2010

Kozyndan - business, pleasure, art and food.

Kozy & Dan Kitchens, model couple. To me anyway, they're hugely talented, funny, and Kozy like me enjoys UFC and once high fived me over our collective commitment to not having babies. 

This month they're featured in Computer Arts magazine.
"The pair met while studying illustration at university. Friends to begin with, they started dating after a year and have been inseparable ever since. “Our first collaboration happened randomly, after we’d been together for about two years,” recalls Dan. “I saw a long doodle of the interior of our apartment that she was drawing for a class project, and really liked it. I decided to scan the drawing and colour it in Photoshop. Kozy joined me in the colouring process and we had a lot of fun doing it. That became our first panoramic, and the beginning of Kozyndan.”
Check out the article
Kozyndan are available for work through Narwhal@Lunch

artists, kozyndan, lunch, narwhal, press, work